Smadav 2010 Rev. 8.3 PRO

SmadAV Rev. 2010. 8.3 released with many new features and improvements that are specific to local eradication of the virus. Features such as Smad-Behavior that can identify new local virus that does not exist in database SmadAV of his behavior when infecting the system. SmadAV Rev. 2010. 03/08 added 40 new virus database, all variants of the virus cleaning shortcuts, and many other new features.

Enhancements SmadAV Rev. 2010. Pro 8.3 Learn more:

* The addition of 40 new virus database
* The addition of heuristic techniques for virus variants shortcut
* Improved the display language on the form SmadAV
* Adding file msvbvm60.dll in installation SmadAV
* Addition SuperKill method to perform deadly virus that fail to process the normal way.
* The addition of hidden features not only scan the flash disks but also the hard drive (in addition to the drive system)
* Addition of features recommendation full scan flash disk when detected virus
* Addition of features explore through the confirmation form when the flash plug
* SmadAV Pro is the blacklist will be colored black


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sukmademian mengatakan...

thx kakak smadavnya pro ..............thx kk ya :)

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